Last Updated: May 22, 2024

Welcome to MonoCloud

Introducing the one tool you need for auth and user management

Welcome to MonoCloud

As developers, we figured out pretty quickly that some parts of building an app are better left to the experts. Take authentication, for example. It's a fast-moving target that requires an entire app's effort to get right.

On our own projects, we tried a whole range of tools but each one left us doing extra work to get the workflows, integrations, and customizations we needed. We knew we weren't the only ones hitting this wall, and that's when it clicked: we had an opportunity to solve this problem for everyone and not just for ourselves.

Two years on, we're pleased to announce MonoCloud: the developer-first SaaS that lets you focus on building your app's unique functionality while it takes care of authentication, authorization, and user management.

What sets MonoCloud apart

So, what were those problems that we wanted to solve? It was a combination of small pain points. Each of those issues added up to one bigger problem: existing tools were too rigid.

But there was an upside to that because each stumbling block helped us to create a manifesto for what our ideal auth service would look like. And here are the five core promises that we built into MonoCloud:

  • Provide the authentication methods your users expect: Even though auth is important, it still counts as user experience friction. MonoCloud minimizes that friction by working with user expectations, offering login methods including passwords, magic links, one-time passcodes, and soon Passkeys.
  • Deal in identity, not just auth: We've implemented OpenID Connect so you can authenticate a user and obtain their profile information using their favorite social provider, without having to set, manage, or store passwords.
  • Get branding right, because it is a core part of trust: Your users will only trust your login flow if it feels right. That's why MonoCloud lets you tune the user experience to match your branding.
  • Go beyond web and mobile: Set-top boxes, IoT Devices, APIs, and micro-services all need rock-solid auth, too. Whether it's mutual TLS, machine-to-machine authentication, or a simple user login, MonoCloud helps you secure all your applications.
  • Put developer experience first: Ultimately, MonoCloud's job is to let you focus on yours. That's why MonoCloud lets you work with any OIDC library and we're launching with integration guides for NextJS, React, Vue, and NodeJS, with more on their way.

Branded, familiar auth methods

We've built MonoCloud to give you and your users choices. Signing into an application or service should be seamless. MonoCloud works with your users preferred methods, such as using a trusted social media account or their mobile device. Auth changes fast, though, and we're committed to giving you new auth methods as they become available.

Right now, MonoCloud lets you build auth flows using:

  • Social providers: connect using Google, Facebook, GitHub, Apple, and more.
  • One-time passcodes: Delivered by email or SMS.
  • Magic links: Avoid the challenge-response cycle altogether by sending a unique verification URL to the user.
  • Mutual TLS: Two-way public key certificate auth, ideal for IoT devices and machine-to-machine connections.
  • Username and password: Sometimes the simplest option is the best option.

Next on our roadmap are Passkeys, the new cryptographic authentication method backed by the likes of Apple, Google, and Microsoft. And, whichever method your users choose, you can use MonoCloud as a single sign-on, granting access to multiple apps and systems by just signing in once.

Reducing friction isn't just about the sign-in methods you provide. Your users need to feel comfortable, too. That's why MonoCloud's visual editor lets you create fully branded login flows simply and effectively.

OpenID Connect

Getting people logged in is just one part of the process. OpenID Connect is a protocol, based on OAuth2, that lets you share user identity data across multiple systems. For example, when someone logs into an application using their social media account, OpenID Connect lets you gather their profile information, such as name, email, and profile picture, on top of taking care of authentication.

As one of a handful of OpenID Certified providers, we've implemented OpenID Connect in MonoCloud so you can safely gather user identity information as part of the login process.

Start building for free with MonoCloud

We built MonoCloud after learning for ourselves that authentication and user management are hard. But we knew that building an easy-to-use tool wasn't enough. Our platform isn't just about saving you a few days of coding. Instead, it's about adding the expertise you need to secure your software for the long term.

You can start building with MonoCloud today. Sign up now for your free account.